The New Version of Madmagz

Madmagz has been in business since... 2010. If the software has evolved over the years, considering the evolution of uses, technologies and our vision, a complete overhaul was necessary.

After more trouble than we would have liked, the new version of Madmagz is here! While the mission remains the same (to provide a simple, collaborative way of creating magazines), we've rebuilt the software from scratch.

Main improvements and new features

There are dozens of them: here are the main ones.

Magazine layouts

The more graphic possibilities your layouts offer, the prouder you'll be of your magazines!

  • Double page management
  • Management of lettering, end-of-article signs, etc.
  • Visual "special effects": images in circles or any other shape, overlapping images, images straddling two pages, etc.
  • Color palette management: the choice of color is applied to different elements on a page: lettering, titles, quotation symbols, shapes, etc.

Image editing

  • Managing a media library: you can reuse your images
  • image credit management
  • manipulation tools: rotations...

Text editing

  • A single text zone can carry several styles: main title, subtitle, quotation...
  • Column management: when text reaches the bottom of one column, it continues in the next (in the example image, the bluish area is a single text zone).
  • Management of line spacing, special characters, internal and external links, return to previous versions of text, etc.


Attention, a total change of approach: while the roles (editor-in-chief, deputy editor-in-chief and editor) remain with their main prerogatives, everything else is new!

First and foremost, the main new feature is that the editor-in-chief assigns pages to his team-mates, so they can only edit their own pages. He also appoints his team-mates.

The editor-in-chief has a number of parameters at his or her disposal: hiding or revealing the railroad to contributors, allowing them to manipulate or not the railroad (adding, moving or deleting pages), allowing contributors to assign pages to each other without going through their sponsor, etc.

The editor-in-chief may delegate this role to a teammate.


  • A notification center concentrates your magazine's activity
  • A recycle garbage can to recover deleted pages
  • Duplicate pages possible
  • Possibility of naming pages (useful in projects with many collaborators).


  • A magazine is publishable even if the number of pages is not a multiple of four.
  • You can unpublish and republish your magazine without changing the link.
  • In addition to Google Analytics, you can also track your magazine's audience using Matomo.

When will it be available?

It's already possible... for large companies. We already have some excellent references: Caisse d'Épargne, Castorama, Konica Minolta, Médiamétrie, MACIF, Nemera, SIKA, etc.

The self-service offer (you create your own online magazine) will be launched in September 2024.

The education offer for schools and local authorities (annual subscription) will also be rolled out in September 2024.

What will become of my current magazines?

The two versions will coexist until 2025 inclusive. However, from September onwards, you will only be able to consult your published magazines and finish your current ones. Any new magazine creation will have to be done on the new version.

After 2025, you'll be able to download PDFs of your magazines, and the current version will be phased out.

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